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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - dye


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Перевод с английского языка dye на русский


кв. эл.; микр.


acridine dyeamidopyrylium dyeamplifying dyeanionic dyeazo dyecarbocyanine dyecarbon-bridged dyecationic dyecryptocyanine dyecyanine dyedicarbocyanine dyefluorescent dyefuchsin dyeheptacamethine dyeionic dyelaser dyeliquid-crystalline azo dyemonomethine dyenonacamethine dyeoxygen-bridged dyepentacamethine dyepentacarbocyanine dyephenoxazine dyepleochroic dyepolyene dyeprotonated dyepyrylium dyesafranin dyesaturable dyescintillator dyesensitizing dyestable dyetetracarbocyanine dyethiazine dyethiazole dyethiopyronin dyetransparent dyetricarbocyanine dyetrimethine dyetriphenylmethane dyeuncharged dyeundecamethine dyeunprotonated dyexanthene dyexanthone dyexanthylium dye

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См. в других словарях

  abbr.; coll. = do you [см. do I ] DYE  1. noun  1) краска; красящее вещество; краситель  2) окраска  3) цвет scoundrel of the deepest dye - отъявленный негодяй  2. v.  1) красить, окрашивать  2) принимать краску, окрашиваться dye in the wool/grain - окрашивать в пряже, прочно пропитывать краской Syn: see colour ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. краска, краситель, красящее вещество synthetic dye —- синтетическая краска fast dye —- прочная (стойкая) краска fading dye —- непрочная (нестойкая) краска vat dye —- кубовый краситель to take a dye —- окрашиваться, принимать окраску 2. краска, окраска, цвет rainbow dyes —- цвета радуги Id: of the blackest (deepest) dye —- отъявленный, прожженный, закоренелый; отвратительный, мерзкий 3. красить, окрашивать to dye one's hair —- красить волосы to dye smth. red —- окрасить что-л. в красный цвет to dye a blue over a white —- перекрасить (что-л.) из белого в голубой цвет to dye smth. in the wool (in the grain) —- окрашивать что-л. в пряже, прочно пропитывать краской что-л. to have a dress dyed —- отдать покрасить платье 4. окрашиваться, краситься, принимать краску to dye well —- хорошо краситься ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  краситель, красящее вещество – acid dye – anthraquinone dye – azine dye – azo dye – basic dye – fluorescent dye – indamine dye – indicator dye – indigoid dye – indophenol dye – mordant dye – thiazine dye – vital dye – xanthene dye ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) краситель красить, окрашивать, подкрашивать 2) краска, красящее вещество 3) красящий - cationic dye - chrome dye - direct dye - fat dye - organic dye - oxidation dye - reactive dye - spirit-soluble dye - sulphur dye - unfast dye - vat dye - water-insoluble dye - water-soluble dye ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  краска; краситель; красящее вещество fugitive dye ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) краситель, красящее вещество; краска красить, окрашивать 2) цвет, окраска dye in substance — краситель в свободном состоянии; dye with pendant cation — краситель с локализованным зарядом в боковой цепи - acetate dye - acid dye - acid-mordant dye - acridine dye - acrylamide dye - alkali-fast dye - alkali-soluble cotton dye - amine dye - amine oxide dye - aniline dye - anionic dye - anthraquinone dye - antihalation dye - azine dye - azo dye - azoic dye - basic dye - cellulose acetate dye - cold vat dye - commercial dye - cyanine dye - desensitizing dye - diazo dye - diffusing dye - direct cotton dye - disazo dye - dispersed dye - disperse dye - fluorescent dye - glacial dye - hot-dyeing dye - hydrazo dye - indamine dye - indanthrene dye - ingrain dye - lacquer dye - lightfast dye - metallized azo dye - natural dye - nitro dye - normal vat dye - photochromic dye - phthalein dye - pigmentary dye - pigment dye - polyazo dye - polycationic dye - polymeric dyes - salt-controllable direct dye - saturable dye - self-leveling direct dye - sensitizing dye - soap dye - solubilized dye - solvent dye - sulfide dye - synthetic dye - tetradentate azo dye - tridentate azo dye - vat dye - vegetable dye - warm dyeing dye ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a substance used to change the colour of hair, fabric, wood, etc. b a colour produced by this. 2 (in full dyestuff) a substance yielding a dye, esp. for colouring materials in solution. --v.tr. (dyeing) 1 impregnate with dye. 2 make (a thing) a specified colour with dye (dyed it yellow). Phrases and idioms dyed in the wool (or grain) 1 out and out; unchangeable, inveterate. 2 (of a fabric) made of yarn dyed in its raw state. dye-line a print made by the diazo process. Derivatives dyeable adj. Etymology: OE deag, deagian ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English dehe, from Old English deah, deag  Date: before 12th century  1. color from ~ing  2. a soluble or insoluble coloring matter  II. verb  (~d; ~ing)  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to impart a new and often permanent color to especially by impregnating with a ~  2. to impart (a color) by ~ing ~ing blue on yellow  intransitive verb to take up or impart color in ~ing  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (dyes, dyeing, dyed) 1. If you dye something such as hair or cloth, you change its colour by soaking it in a special liquid. The women prepared, spun and dyed the wool... VERB: V n 2. Dye is a substance made from plants or chemicals which is mixed into a liquid and used to change the colour of something such as cloth or hair. ...bottles of hair dye. N-MASS ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a substance you use to change the colour of your clothes, hair etc  (hair dye) 2 dye job informal someone who has had a dye job has used a substance to change the colour of their hair ~2 v dyes, dyed, dyeing to give something a different colour using a dye  (dye sth black/blue/blonde etc)  (Priscilla's hair was dyed jet black.) - dyed adj ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Caper Dyer (DEW Line) firm name abbr. David Youngblood Enterprises ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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